Higher Education Enrollments الالتحاق بالتعليم العالي
Higher education enrollment by year, institution and specialty, since 2003 by ISCED 97 levels 1 and 2 -
Higher Education Institutions مؤسسات التعليم العالي
List of higher education institutions and basic information about them قائمة بأسماء مؤسسات التعليم العالي مع معلومات أساسية -
Higher Education Programs ISCED 97 برامج وتخصصات التعليم العالي حسب تصنيف إسكد
List of ISCED 1997 classifications (levels 1 and 2) by institution -
Higher Education Graduates خريجو التعليم العالي
Graduates from higher education institutions since 2003 by ISCED 97 levels 1 and 2 -
Students by Grade and Track الطلاب حسب الصف والمنهاج
Distribution of students by grade and track, by directorate and by gender -
Schools and Students by Authority and Gender المدارس والطلبة حسب جهة الإشراف
Distribution of schools and students by directorate and supervising authority with gender breakdown.